We just got back from an excursion to the Hanna Andersson Outlet. They sent me an extra 15% off coupon and despite having caught their 50% sale (including unders!) last weekend, I went back because there were a couple of things we didn't get that I thought were worth heading back for. While there, we discovered a new t-shirt. I loved it (I'm kind of crazy about certain hues of blue) and showed it to T. He loved it too. However, it wasn't until we left the store that we came to know just how much he loved it! He was clearly distraught! If it hadn't been for the fact that we do a shark puzzle at home (a much loved hand-me-down from cousin Alexander) and I understand the way he says "shark" - we may have never uncovered the mystery of his angst. It was the "shark shirt!" (Those sh's are hard to say!) He thought we didn't have it. V speedily got it out of the shopping bag, along with the elephant riding a bicycle shirt, and he was relieved, happy, quite suddenly himself again! I tell you - it really is important, all these animal shirts we buy him. He loves his animals! All the way home, he and V pretended they were scouts spotting animals and clapped about it. Seagull! Crow! Heron! Squirrel!