We had a few GORGEOUS days this week! Notwithstanding we're back to rain, I'm still basking in the glow of the nearly 90 degree May day. There were two or maybe even three days this week warm enough for short pants, which is truly warm for May here by any stretch. We enjoyed the warmth and sunshine! T spent plenty of time on the deck, in the backyard, and at a park or two.
I was also so proud of him this week as he showed me he can completely dress himself! Mornings are so hurried that I generally don't even give him the chance to put on his own clothes. And frankly, it's sometimes a battle to get his clothes on him. One good motivator to get dressed and go to school: he gets to see Teacher Cate. When I remind him of that, he usually drops his defenses and is eager to get into clothes and out the door. But yesterday, I realized he was on the floor, pulling on his pants, and shortly thereafter, pulling his socks on too. Wow. There's so much he can do that I just don't take the time to let him do. Note to self: let go of the mother duties and give him a little more room to wiggle out that independece!